Another fabulous junior tournament undertaken on Sunday at fortress Sandy, for once the weather was amazing; no one cold or wet!
We put in 2 under 12's teams who stunned everyone with their skills, teamwork and ability to score at any angle. Each team played their socks off with newbies and old alike a few under 10's in the mix too.
Jackpot as we won the final against strong opposition St Neots. Each player has improved massively and I think parents and coaches were super proud of them.
The afternoon saw our U14's underway coming through the first half unbeaten before finally taking 3rd place.
A massive thank you to Hannah Bartram for organising the event, Chris Fell and Doug Dawson for coaching!
A huge thank you to Jackie Burke, Tayla, Jamie, Rosamund and Chris Johannou for umpiring.
Thank you to all the parents; Louise Carr for manning the desk. Diane Thompson for running the results and everybody else who pitched in brought teas and were generally the best supportive team there. Thank you all.
The juniors once again made us super proud with their resilience, team work and amazing skills. Truly grateful to have such super juniors!