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Match days, Umpiring and Kit
  1. Match days
  2. Kit
  3. Umpiring
  4. Match Fees Form
Match days, Umpiring and Kit
  1. Match days
  2. Kit
  3. Umpiring
  4. Match Fees Form
Match days, Umpiring and Kit 1 of 4

1. Match days


Day: All our main adult teams play on Saturdays. Mixed and Vets games may be on Sundays.
Fixture time: Fixture times vary between 10am and 4pm.
Venue: Matches can be home (at Sandy Upper School Pitch) or away. Most teams' furthest away venue is about 1-1 1/2 hours drive.
Car sharing: generally teams will arrange to car share for away fixtures so that petrol costs are reduced. We do our best to make sure that those without transport/ too young to drive are helped to get to the venue but sometimes parents will need to take their young people to the game.
Teas: After every league match the home team provides 'teas'. Sometimes this could be a roast dinner, a chilli or just a sandwich. Our teas are served by Mick and Audrey in the Village Hall.
Changing and showering: Most away fixtures have suitable facilities for taking a shower. Our home showers and changing rooms are in Sandy Sports Centre, near the pitch.
Match Fees: £10/£5 must be paid on the day of the match. If a player is on the pitch for half a match (or less) then they pay half match fees.


Day: Our Juniors play in the Hertfordshire Junior League and those matches are fortnightly on Sunday mornings. Tournaments are usually spread through the whole Sunday with each age group competing at different times.
Car sharing:Parents are encouraged to share lifts but the club/coach does not organise this.
Teas: There are no teas but the home club usually provides squash and a biscuit.
Changing and showers:Most away fixtures have suitable facilities for taking a shower. Our home showers and changing rooms are in Sandy Sports Centre.
Match Fees: Amount to be confirmed. It is likely to be £5.